People often like to discuss exciting or new things; they like to discuss cars, sports, Best online casinos, or technology. For example, people talk a lot about artificial intelligence and its applications in a particular industry. What we want to know is how AI, in all its glory, is affectingContinue Reading

It is one of the most profitable professions out there and certainly one that will not fade away any time soon. People from all walks of life and vastly different interests have taken on web development in the hopes of making a career with strong demand and steady workflow. So,Continue Reading

You hear about data breaches at big companies and even governments (looking at you, Japan), so it’s no wonder that you are a tiny bit stressed out over how to protect your passwords, credit card and other financial information, as well as personal info online, especially when it comes toContinue Reading

Social media are more involved with our entertainment and expressing our views than the traditional means. People have found a way of starting and promoting their businesses online, with some choosing to focus on getting attention whatever the cost. More importantly, they are a way for us to connect, shareContinue Reading

Virtual reality started as a way to experience movies in a more immersive way. Then, it moved on to games, creating a fascinating experience. There are so many games out there, that it is truly hard to choose one. Not only do we have fully immersive adventure games, but thereContinue Reading

Internet is, pretty much, a lawless place. That is why there need to be some unwritten and sometimes written rules about how one should behave online. This is where netiquette, or internet etiquette, comes in. We are going to go over some basic rules that make the internet safer andContinue Reading

We used to think that sports were about skill, talent, and physical prowess. We still do, to a degree. However, it turns out that the stereotypical nerds from the comedies were right, you can calculate anything. Data science has influenced the world of sports and we get to see how.Continue Reading

If you wanted to learn now to code, taking up Pascal or Basic now would be beyond bizarre and obsolete, don’t you think? Therefore, it may be too late to try and master some of the languages used widely today, and focus your attention on languages that are yet toContinue Reading

With the fast pace the network is growing and evolving, we admit it could be a bit presumptuous to try and cram the biggest trends of into one post. However, the public and everyone with a business they have online should be made aware of a few things to keepContinue Reading

Anyone can get famous for 15 minutes if they have the right content. Some have learned how to ride the wave of fame and make a living out of YouTube videos. But, what about the average user? As it turns out, there are a few tips and tricks most peopleContinue Reading